Pest Control Tips - Eco friendly Pest Control Tips for Lawn

Manual Weeding

If you see large clumps or weeds or weak and diseased plants that are not weeds, it's best to pull them out of the yard and place them elsewhere. If left untended, these undesirable plants will merely disperse their troubles around. It's easier to just use chemicals, but it's safer to take the opportunity to pull plants out.

For residential pest problems visit Hicare Pest control

Minimize Pest Habitats

Overgrown and untended lawns deliver perfect breeding grounds for these pests as insects, snakes, and rodents. Among the very best natural solutions is to supply a less hospitable environment by maintaining your lawn trimmed and landscaping as tidy as you possibly can.

Practice Natural Mowing

There is a more affordable and more natural kind of mulch you can use although seaweed mulch was advised earlier. You might also buy a mulching attachment for your mower, however only leaving traces will also do the job fairly well and probably eliminate the need for natural fertilizer. To supplement clippings, you might also buy dried and soil mulch and spread it around in places in your lawn that require a little extra care.

Consider Using Seaweed Mulch

You can find mulch made from seaweed at many garden stores. This natural product has a lot of desirable properties that could help preserve the lawn plants which you aspire to keep healthy. Additionally, this plant includes compounds that repel garden slugs. In places, like on top of the actual grass, where mulch is not appropriate, you can also locate a seaweed spray that will give you a number of the very same advantages.

Do not Mow Too Frequently

It's true that you shouldn't let your grass get out of control. If you do, then it is going to be more difficult to cut later; and will offer a haven for unwanted pests in your lawn. On the flip side, most experts recommend that you refrain from keeping your grass mowed too short as well. Leaving a little bit of span will help shade the increased and discourage weed growth. A good guideline is to mow if your bud is over three and one-half inches tall, but don't cut it shorter than about two and one-half inches tall. Your yard will still look neat, and you can also find that you don't need to water it just as much.

Get Rid Of Insect Mounds the Right Way

Rather than using potentially hazardous chemicals on insect mounds, you can use an easy and absolutely free technique to get the colonies of fire ants and other creatures to move along. Simply boil a pot of water on your stove at a tea kettle. Pour the steaming water over the mound. This may encourage your unwelcome squatters to leave as quickly as if their locality just spouted an active volcano. Sometimes, you may need to replicate this process the following day, but it functions and generally works fairly fast.

Repel Ticks and Other Biting Insects Naturally

In the event that you or your children like walking barefoot on the lawn, you will want to keep it free of ticks and other biting insects. At precisely the same time, you most likely don't want to walk barefoot at which you've just sprayed a great deal of harsh chemicals either. A very cheap and natural solution contains mixing a cup of water using one-half of a cup of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of cooking oil. It is possible to add this option to a spray bottle and lightly mist your lawn. Even if you can't smell this mixture, insects can smell it, and they don't like it.

Evict Unwanted Mammals from Your Lawn

Area and house mice may take up residence in your yard. The problem is they could get the idea that they would like to move to your house too, and so you may wish to make sure they are unwelcome. The least expensive way to kill mice and other tiny rodents would be to depart a couple of drops of instant mashed potatoes around the lawn. Mice will eat the scents, but whenever the potatoes expand in their tummies, the mice will pass away. It seems cruel, but you never encouraged these men to dinner in the first location.

If you'd rather deter rodents, some sprinkles of used kitty litter also functions as a powerful deterrent. If you do not have a cat, you have probably got a neighbor who will be delighted to let you take used kitty litter away. Rodents will pick up the odor of this cat and search for a safer place to hang out.

Surely, chemical pest management works really well. The problem is that harsh chemicals may irritate skin and, sometimes,, even make people around your yard more likely to get sick in the future. Also, the runoff from lawns gets into drains and sewers. Natural pest control functions, makes sense, also helps save cash.


  1. Thanks for sharing this post with us, these ways are perfectly fine. when we want to get rid of termites at that time we must have to use non-poisonous products. To get rid of termites at home or office you can use non-poisonous termite control spray from only trusted brands who have a number of years experience in this industry. Pest control is necessary because rodents and insects carry diseases, infest your kitchens and bedrooms, and bite you or your pets.


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