Pest Control Tips - Eco friendly Pest Control Tips for Lawn
Manual Weeding If you see large clumps or weeds or weak and diseased plants that are not weeds, it's best to pull them out of the yard and place them elsewhere. If left untended, these undesirable plants will merely disperse their troubles around. It's easier to just use chemicals, but it's safer to take the opportunity to pull plants out. For residential pest problems visit Hicare Pest control Minimize Pest Habitats Overgrown and untended lawns deliver perfect breeding grounds for these pests as insects, snakes, and rodents. Among the very best natural solutions is to supply a less hospitable environment by maintaining your lawn trimmed and landscaping as tidy as you possibly can. Practice Natural Mowing There is a more affordable and more natural kind of mulch you can use although seaweed mulch was advised earlier. You might also buy a mulching attachment for your mower, however only leaving traces will also do the job fairly well and probably eliminate t...